Study on characteristicsof peripheric neuropathy in patients with diabetic melitus at National Hospital of Endocrinology
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bệnh thần kinh ngoại vi
điện sinh lý type 2 diabetes
peripheral neuropathy

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How to Cite

Bùi, M. T., Phạm, T. H., & Nguyễn, V. C. (2024). Study on characteristicsof peripheric neuropathy in patients with diabetic melitus at National Hospital of Endocrinology. Vietnam Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology, (58), 78-85.


Peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes is a common and fairly early complication. The study was conducted with the aim of: Researching the characteristics of peripheral neurological complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated at the Central Endocrinology Hospital. Subjects and research methods: cross-sectional description on 139 patients diagnosed with diabetes type 2. Results and conclusions: The study of 139 cases of type 2 diabetes patients, including 65 male patients and 74 female patients (rate 46.8% and 53.2%); The average age of the participants was 61.5 ± 8.2 years; The averageduration of disease is 9.2 ± 6.9 years; Patients with physiological abnormalities accounted for the highest percentage (85.6%), then 51.8% of patients with functional symptoms, 50.4% had symptoms; Subjective sensory disorders such as numbness, ox ants were recorded in 109 patients, accounting for 53.9%. Meanwhile, the sensation of acupuncture, burning, or numbness accounted for a lower rate of 8.6%; The number of patients with objective sensory disorders was 56.1%; The number of patients with reduced sensation and decreased tendon reflexes were 17.3% and 22.3%, respectively; Symptoms of muscle weakness or muscle atrophy account for the lowest rate, The rate of poor control of HbA1C (> 7.5%) is higher in patients with peripheral neuropathy (p <0, 05). There was no difference in fasting blood glucose between two groups of patients with and without peripheral neuropathy (p> 0.05).
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