Approach to and management of femoral neck fractures in elderly patients afflicted with multimorbidity


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How to Cite

Nguyễn, Đình H. (2024). Approach to and management of femoral neck fractures in elderly patients afflicted with multimorbidity. Vietnam Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology, (63), 58-64.


Multimorbidity is a frequently encountered phenomenon in the geriatric population suffering from femoral neck fractures. The comprehensive evaluation of concurrent medical conditions holds paramount importance in delineating the optimal therapeutic approach for these individuals. Therapeutic modalities encompass analgesic management, expedited surgical intervention, and diligent prophylaxis against potential complications including delirium, decubitus ulcers, and venous thromboembolism. Arthroplasty of the hip joint stands as the cornerstone of the management for femoral neck fractures, and the choice of surgical technique is contingent upon the individual patient’s clinical status. Notably, total hip replacement utilizing the dual mobility hip arthroplasty technique has demonstrated promising outcomes. Additionally, the timing of surgical intervention bears substantial significance in patient care, as expedient procedures performed within the window of 24-48 hours yield superior results and mitigate the risk of postoperative complications. Profound comprehension of the approach to and management of femoral neck fractures in elderly patients afflicted with multimorbidity is indubitably indispensable to ensure their preservation of quality of life and preservation of autonomy.
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