A case of successful treatment of Graves' exophthalmos with Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab)
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Graves disease
Rituximab Bệnh Graves

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Thái, H. Q., Nguyễn, T. D., Trần, T. H. H., Lê, T. H., Nguyễn, T. T., & Nguyễn, Đức V. (2024). A case of successful treatment of Graves’ exophthalmos with Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab). Vietnam Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology, (67), 30-40. https://doi.org/10.47122/VJDE.2023.67.5


Introduction: Graves disease is an autoimmune thyroid disease classically characterised by a clinical triad consisting of hyperthyroidism, diffuse goitre, and thyroid eye disease. Thyroid eye disease is an immunologically mediated condition in which humoral immunity is thought to play a central role. Thyroid eye disease (TED or Graves ophthalmopathy - GO) is traditionally treated with high-dose glucocorticosteroids and surgical orbital decompression. However, responses are inadequate and alternative treatment options are needed. Rituximab, an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, shows promise as a novel therapeutic option for thyroid eye disease. Here, We present case with severe GO treated successful with anti CD20 monoclonal antbody- rituximab in current time in Hồng Phát General hospital - Hà Nội.

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