Psychosocial care for Diabetic patients


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sàng lọc diabetes
psychosocial care
mental health

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How to Cite

Võ, T. H. H., & Nguyễn, T. K. L. (2024). Psychosocial care for Diabetic patients. Vietnam Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology, (71), 1-12.


Living with diabetes can be challenging on many levels and complex environmental, social, behavioral and emotional issues, known as psychosocial factors, affect patient’s health as well as the patient’s ability to control diabetes. Diabetes health care providers screen patients for psychosocial problems, intervene to support patients with negative stress due to diabetes, and health care providers need to be trained and supervised by psychiatric experts. Cases of mental disorders (depression, anxiety, eating disorders and other disorders...) need to be referred to mental health care professionals for treatment support. The most common psychosocial health problem in diabetic patients is negative stress caused by diabetes, in addition, psychological disorders that need attention are depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Diabetic patients need to use standardized tools to screen and assess psychosocial problems. Consider periodic screening for diabetic negative stress in all patients. Other common psychological disorders require routine screening or case- based indications for high-risk groups.
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