Prevalence and risk factors of anemia in type 2 diabetic patients hospitalized at the 199 hospital

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Các yếu tố liên quan Anemia
related factors

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Cách trích dẫn

Huynh, L. T. B., & Quach, H. T. (2023). Prevalence and risk factors of anemia in type 2 diabetic patients hospitalized at the 199 hospital. Vietnam Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology, (53), 12-20.

Tóm tắt

Objective: Determination of anemia rate in patients with type 2 diabetes treated at hospital 199 Ministry of Public Security in 2021. Understanding some factors related to anemia in patients with type 2 diabetes treated at hospital 199 Ministry of Public Security in 2021. Methodology: A descriptive cross- sectional study, 232 patients patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes outpatient treatment at 199 hospital from January 2021 to June 2021. Results: Anemia accounted for 52.6%. Isochromic, isochromic anemia accounted for the majority with 88.3%; hypochromic anemia, small red blood cells account for 9.9%; The lowest is megaloblastic anemia accounting for very little with 1.8%. Regarding the co- morbidities of patients with type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia accounted for 61.2%, hypertension rate 51.7%, chronic kidney disease rate 28.4%. The state of blood glucose control is not good when uncontrolled diabetes accounts for 55.6%. Accordingly, only co- morbidities such as hypertension and chronic kidney disease increase the rate of anemia in diabetic patients and have statistical significance. Conclusion: Need to pay more attention and attention to anemia in patients with type 2 diabetes in Vietnam.
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