Evaluating coronary artery lesions by syntax score in type 2 diabetic patients
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điểm syntax
đái tháo đường type 2
bệnh động mạch vành syntax score
type 2 diabetic patient
coronary artery disease

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Hồ, A. B., Ngô, T. X. V., & Lê, T. B. T. (2023). Evaluating coronary artery lesions by syntax score in type 2 diabetic patients. Vietnam Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology, (52), 81-89. https://doi.org/10.47122/vjde.2022.52.12


Diabetes is a main risk for the formation and development of CAD. Studies all over the world and in Vietnam find out the lesions of coronary arteries in diabetes are more severe, more vessels and more complex morphology than in non-diabetic patients. Coronary artery angiography helps to evaluate the degree of coronary artery lesion according to SYNTAX score, a scale that supports physicians to give out optimal treatment such as medical therapy, stenting or CABG. Objective: Treatment group: Type 2 diabetic patients are performed coronary artery angiography and detected coronary artery lesion (≥ 50% luminal diameter stenosis in ≥ main branches).Control group: Non-diabetic patients are performed coronary artery angiography and detected no lesion. Methodology: Cross-sectional study with control group. Results: - Angina characteristics in diabetes are mainly subtle or atypical. Hypertension in diabetes is higher ratio. The most blood lipid disorders in diabetes is hypertriglyceridaemia, microalbuminuria accounts for 41,6%.- Type 2 diabetic patients have multi vessel lesion, the average number of lesions is 2,38 ±0,72, mainly 2-vessel or 3-vessel lesions, and 3- vessel lesion accounts for 53,3%. Type 2 diabetic patients: LAD lesion accounts for 90%, RCA 73,3%, LCx 63,3%. LM lesion accounts for 10%.Type 2 diabetic patients with average SYNTAX score is 23,55 ± 8,22, and the ratio of average SYNTAX score group is the highest 56,7%. Conclusion: Type 2 diabetic patients have atypical angina whereas the coronary artery lesions are more severe than non-diabetic patients.

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